To order a dumpling Heart, go to our new website -
Neither the prices nor the assortment have been updated here since 2020!
Dumplings HEART-16 can be washed in warm water, but it is FORBIDDEN to wash in the dishwasher due to the high temperature and strong chemistry in the tablets. Also, in order to avoid deformation of the dumplings, it is forbidden to leave it near heating devices and in direct sunlight.
Dumplings are available for order in 2 colors - one-color plastic (your choice of color) or two-color plastic (the contours of the hearts and the upper part of the legs will be of a different color, the color of your choice).
Idea and production - Eugene Korolev, October 2014.
Dumpling maker HEART-16:
- overall dimensions of the form - 19 x 19 cm.
- dumpling size (raw) - 4 x 3 cm
- uniqueness (nowhere else in the WORLD on sale there are NO such)
- high reliability (durable material and thick legs)
- a beautiful and stylish thing
- 8 legs with silicone inserts
- easy to clean
- can be hung on a hook (large hole provided)